Legal statement

Auditorio de Galicia Santiago Compostela gives general information for Santiago citizens, official activities and the oganization of the council throught the Web Page:

The contents of this site can be modified and refreshed by the council without warning, This changes can be about information, structure or graphic design.

Auditorio de Galicia Santiago Compostela has in this site links to other sites that considers interestings for the citizens. The council has no responsability about external sites.

Auditorio de Galicia Santiago Compostela is owner of the intelectual rights, of design and codes of the web pages. Marks or symbols are protected for law. Copying, distribution, selling or modification of contents without permission are not allow.

The use of content without permission can set the begining of legal actions.

The user admit and accept that the use of the contents and services offered by Auditorio de Galicia Santiago Compostela in its web site is done by his own responsability.

The user undertake to do a use of services and contents of the site acording with law.

Auditorio de Galicia Santiago Compostela will not be responsible of faults about comunications. It has the rights of canceling the access to the web site o any service at anytime and not need to notify the users.

In cases not planned in this legal statements and to solve problems the spanish law will be apply.

The processing of personal dates getting throught will do according the law 15/1999, about protection personal dates. The user can use his rights about the access, refresh, cancel and opposition according the law by letter to Auditorio de Galicia Santiago Compostela.